Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Sugar Cookie Co. is located in Kalihi Valley in Honolulu, Hawaii. My cookies are made in my home kitchen which is not routinely inspected by the Department of Health. I am a bit of a clean freak and properly sanitize and clean my kitchen and decorating area to ensure you receive a quality product.

How much do your cookies cost?

Pricing depends on the desired size and details of your cookies. Please submit an order inquiry above to receive my pricing information.

What flavors do you offer?

I currently offer classic vanilla bean flavored sugar cookies.

How far in advance must I place my order?

Please place your order at least 2 weeks in advance. I recommend placing your order as early as possible as my calendar tends to fill quickly.

How do I pay?

Once your order details are confirmed, I will send you an invoice. I currently accept PayPal (all major credit cards,) Venmo, check, and cash. In order to confirm your order, payment must be received in full within 72 hours of receiving your invoice.

What’s your cancellation policy?

All sales are final. If you find out that your event date has changed or is cancelled, please let me know so I can try to accommodate your event.

Do you ship cookies?

I only ship cookies within the state of Hawaii.